Power of Enzymes / Mitochondrial Cellular Energy
When age related issues occur, when energy levels drop, and the youthfulness you once had seems like distance memory, what can you do besides reaching for medication, resorting to caffeine, or accepting that your best days are over? In this Pillar, we are going to suggest two extremely important overlooked considerations.
How to Restore and Support Youthful Cellular Energy
What happens when you run out of gas. Meaning, when you feel tired, and don’t have the energy for life as you used to? Have you ever started your day with, say 6 things you wanted to accomplish, but by mid-afternoon you just didn’t have the energy to address the last 2 or 3?
When you run out of energy, things don’t get done as normal. In fact, as one ages, many things a person used to do when they had more energy, now get shelved, modified, or replaced with something else.
This is how your cellular structures function: Their energy diminishes, inflammation increases, and they lose their ability to function as they did. And when they don't function as they did, pain, discomfort, and disease enter into the picture. But when a person has sufficient life, cellular energy, the body then is in a better position to correct problems and heal itself.
Since everything in your body is made from of cells, and how they function determines your health, perhaps it’s worth taking a look at a couple ways to keep them youthful, so they produce energy to function well, rather than only being able to complete 4 of 6 tasks, so to speak.
When it comes to cellular energy and body functions how healthy your mitochondria is, and the level of your enzyme activity play major roles. Let’s begin with enzymes:
Sparks that Produce Life
The forgotten hero of the body is something that is involved in every biochemical action in the body – from the digestion of one’s food, ability to blink, movement of fingers, functioning of every organ, body’s ability to repair and regenerate, to be able to think, sleep, and the list goes on and on.
What are these sparks, what are these heroes? They are enzymes, and the body produces over 3,000 different types of enzymes to perform, or result in, thousands of biological reactions throughout the body. These heroes are the workers of the body, the sparks of life that provide the means to a vibrant, healthy, and energized life.

Cultural health news gets excited over talking about this or that super food, or the next fad diet and so on. But how often do you hear discussions about enzymes, YET, they are the super stars working away behind the scenes that keep us alive and alive well!
We often, only associate enzymes with the digestion of food, but in reality, they are involved with everything. As a biological catalyst, they speed up chemical reactions lowering the activation of energy needed to perform tasks. Simply put, every bit of work in the body is performed by tiny sparks of life, that enzymes bring to the table, found in your metabolic enzyme pool.
As long as our enzyme potential and activity remain balanced and at high enough levels, we feel good and the body functions well. But when enzyme activity, or your enzyme pool, becomes diminished or compromised things begin to change.
Lack of enzymes in the food we eat puts a greater burden on the pancreas. Consider today’s enzyme deficient diet of cooked and processed food and its affects. When the pancreas is placed in a position to produce all necessary digestive enzymes it becomes overworked. It will rob enzymes away from other assignments in the body for the digestion of food whenever necessary.
Lack of digestive enzyme activity can cause a percentage of food to be undigested. This undigested food runs the risk for proteins to putrefy, carbohydrates to ferment, and fats to go rancid. These can build up as plaque in the body and creates an acidic environment that becomes a home for bad bacteria, parasites, yeast and fungus. And where is this plaque deposited in the body: the intestinal tract, organs, brain, and arteries.
When left in this state, numerous symptoms begin to show up: diminished energy, fatigue, weight gain, digestive and intestinal problems, leaky gut, allergies, autoimmune issues, arthritic conditions, aching joints, heart disease, cognitive decline, cancer, and more. It’s called toxemia, with chronic inflammation. We addressed this in Pillar 2.
Simply stated, the less enzyme activity in the body, the faster the body wastes away. But on a positive note, I love the story of one gentleman who had cancer. He was on his death bed, down to around 80 pounds. Someone stepped in and began giving him enzymes, a lot of enzymes. His body responded. As he grew stronger, he was given fresh juices and continued with doses of enzymes. In 6 months, he fully recovered. Just one of many wonderful stories of people who got on an enzyme protocol to replenish enzyme levels and benefited.
And for those of us who incorporate more organic living food into our diets, we have another issue in today’s modern world. Today, organic farmers around the world are not taking care of the soil. Demand for product, time crunches, lack of manpower, and money have caused many growers to not rotate crops, not add compost back to the soil as they should, or allow the ground to lie fallow once every 7 years. As a result, organic produce has become as much as 30-80% less enzyme active than forty or fifty years ago.
The solution is simple. When eating any meal, including plants, fruits, seeds, and nuts, add digestive enzymes. And when eating cooked, or processed food, take higher doses. By doing this, you are adding ‘life’ back into your food and meals, and allowing the body to do its job better.
Beyond Digestive Enzymes
To take it a step higher, let's discuss systemic enzymes: These are enzymes that play a crucial role in supporting various bodily functions systemically. Unlike digestive enzymes that primarily aid in the breakdown of food, systemic enzymes work throughout the entire body, targeting inflammation, promoting healthy circulation, supporting immune function, and are involved with every biochemical reaction. The body naturally produces these enzymes, but levels often decline with age or due to certain health conditions. When taking these enzymes they are to be ‘taken on an empty stomach’ inbetween meals. Why, so they can become dispersed throughout the body.
Here are the two enzymes products we use: they are not just any enzyme products. They are high quality, broad spectrum, highly active enzymes. They have no fillers, and are not synthetic. My wife and I have been using these for years.
Digestive Enzymes: LiyfZyme, by Puradyme:
LiyfZyme is a full-spectrum, plant-based, super digestive enzyme blend with natural whole food enzyme cofactors. These create a soothing effect even for those who have extreme heartburn or indigestion. With 16 different enzymes, LiyfZyme puts back the ‘Life in Your Food’. To be taken with meals.
Systemic Enzymes: PuraZyme, by Puradyme:
These are specific enzymes targeting metabolic functions in the body (cellular activity and the running of body processes). PuraZyme was designed to assist the body in the natural regeneration of cells! Supplementing with a strong, active metabolic complex, in between meals on an empty stomach, supports metabolic functions throughout the body. It contains proteolytic enzymes that help break down excess fibrin, and also contains antioxidants, which assist the body in fighting degenerative diseases, neutralizing free radicals, and slowing down the aging process.
Learn More about these Powerful Enzymes Product, plus a Video demonstration of using these enzymes to add more life back into the food you eat:
Click on the following button to be taken to the Puradyme website where you can purchase Liyfzyme and Puraliyf Enzyme Products:
How to Restore and Support
Mitochondrial Cellular Energy

Like enzymes, discussions about one's mitochondria ARE NOT everyday conversations. What is mitochondria? Mitochondria are special and organized structures found in living cells that generate most of the chemical energy needed to power the cell's biochemical reactions.
The mitochondria play a vital role in maintaining cellular energy homeostasis, and are key to how well a cell actually functions, which means how well every part in the body functions.
The well-functioning of our mitochondria is crucial for the healthy functioning of a cell because the body has so many energy intensive processes. As one ages, along with poor diets and lifestyles, mitochondrial function diminishes. Of course when this happens cellular energy begins to decrease, inflammation increases, and then age related health issues increase. And your energy plummets as well!
To get a better grasp on the potential of restoring mitochondrial energy to a younger state, I invite you to listen to this 6-minute audio recording with Dr Blevan Elliott. In rebooting your mitochondrial cellular energy, many things in the body have the potential to change, improve, and work a whole lot better.
What Happens When You Reboot Your Mitochondria to a Younger State: 6-minute audio recording - Dr. Blevan Elliott
When a person has mitochondrial disorders, symptoms can include:
- Loss of muscle coordination, muscle weakness
- Visual and/or hearing problems
- Developmental delays, learning disabilities
- Heart, liver or kidney disease
- Gastrointestinal disorders, such as severe constipation
- Diabetes
- Respiratory disorders
- Thyroid and/or adrenal dysfunction
- Neuro-psychological changes or dementia characterized by confusion, disorientation and memory loss
- Dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system
- Neurological problems, including seizures
- Autism spectrum disorder, represented by a variety of ASD characteristics
- Increased risk of infection
Summed up, one could say it like this: The well-functioning of our mitochondria is crucial for the healthy function of a cell. Because our body has so many energy intensive processes, when a cell’s energy begins to decline many so called age-related health issues begin to surface. Mitochondrial cellular energy is needed for phototransduction in the retina of the eye, proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, it’s vital for muscle activity, heart, and proper brain, or cognitive activity. The list is endless because cells make up our entire body, and their ability to stay high functioning is vital for long term health.
How to Support and Even Regain More Youthful Mitochondrial Function
There are numerous things a person can do to help boost mitochondria. Intermittent fasting, sunshine, proper sleep, healthy fats, infrared sauna, and nutrition, to name a few. And yes, there are various companies and products that target the mitochondria, but like everything else, its not just one thing. Everything we have been discussing throughout these pillars of health all contribute. The body functions functions as one unit made up of many parts - when different areas or parts become malnourished, damaged, or toxic it is going to affect everything. Having said that, I will share one partiular product I came across:
What Dr Blevan Elliott focused on, in the 6-minute audio recording above, was a product he developed called RESTORE. He developed a nutritional formula, which is basically food for the mitochondria. It first goes in and cleanses the cell, then rebuilds damage mitochondria DNA, and reboots mitochondrial function to a more youthful state. This is a game changer.
As he states, RESTORE is food that ALWAYS feeds your mitochondria, so it ALWAYS works! Up to 10 million mitochondria are in you, and they all need the pollution to be cleaned out, they all need nourishment, and to be rebooted, as we age.
I will provide you a links below to their website, BUT FIRST, I RECOMMEND that you check out the audio testimonials below:
Eye sight returning, macular degeneration reversing and no longer require having shots in the eyes. Neurological issues gone, gastrointestinal tract issues improving, even things like Crohn’s, getting better. Ringing in the ear, gone, bags under the eyes, gone, improved memory, regaining better equilibrium, more energy, better sleep, lower blood pressure,and lower blood sugar. From head to toe, amazing experiences by countless people.
Listen to What Others are Experiencing with MoreMito Restore
Click on Name to Access Testimonial
Irma C - I had stage 4 kidney failure, high blood pressure, was walking with a cane, and no energy ...
Dr Dan S - At 70+, I'm as muscled as I've ever been and my push-ups jumped from 60 to 85 in 28 days then 90 & 100 ...
Roger P - My blood pressure was dangerously high ...
Archbishop M - I was losing my sight because of diabetes ...
Terrence S - For 20 years I couldn't close my hand and make a fist ...
Marsha B – My 30-year digestive issue resolved in
days ...
Gary B. – My blood sugar was so high I was warned that I could lose both legs. ...
Reed M - My feet ached and hurt so bad I just wanted to cut them off ...
Denise B - I spent thousands on an issue with my face and thought nothing would help ...
Bill C - I was on 18 medications ...
Mae C - I lost 77 pounds in 3 months ...
Here's access to the More Mito website to Order Product(s), and view the entire list of ingredients:
Age Reversing International, or its services, does not diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure disease. We are not doctors or medical professionals. All content shown on this website is for informational and educational purposes only. If you need medical help, please consult with a physician.
We are a private membership research society/association. This website and its information is a resource for our members. Our services, such as the Theraphi, is a research project, which we make available to members only. But when it comes supplements or products under the Product Tab, these are made available through outside companies, thus anyone, member or not, has access to them.