Brain Health for Life
Hopefully all of us realize that the material throughout each Pillar of Health all work together, from reducing stress, to practicing colon/liver cleansing, parasite detoxification, feeding body with real nutrition, movement, proper hydration, etc. These all support the subject of this Pillar - our Brain! The health of our cognitive functioning is something we should actively be supporting.
Brain Health
In 2 Timothy 2:7 it states, For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love, and a well-balanced and disciplined mind.
Yet, we see countless numbers of people with brain fog, lack of ability to reason properly, as well as, loss of cognitive function.
It is reported that worldwide over 55 million people are dealing with some form of dementia, with increasing numbers added yearly. One in three seniors have compromised cognitive function. Something has absolutely gone wrong, and most of it can be directed at high levels of internal toxicity, lack of proper nutrition, hydration, and oxygen, and chronic stress. These are devastating to long term cognitive function.

There are no longer clear lines between the health of our brain and our biological age. In the past, brain health was a concern of the elderly, but now we are seeing a trend of neurodegenerative disease in younger adults. If there is ever a time to get started on nourishing and caring for your brain, it is NOW!
A highly functioning brain leads to a highly productive and appreciative life. A poor functioning brain leads to a life of unreachable goals, inefficiency, depression, and continued dependance on others. When the brain loses its ability to do its job, people lose passion, motivation, have trouble learning, enjoying life, and it spirals down from there.
When a person begins to lose their memory, they begin to lose their life. You lose who you are, and the people around you lose the person they’ve known.
This is WHY if you want to remain healthy, energized, and retain clarity of mind, you MUST learn how to care for yourself!
But here's a major problem ...
Did you know, that dementia begins 20 years before you actually begin to see and notice signs of mental decline. The warning bell for dementia/Alzheimer’s disease needs to be heeded IMMEDIATELY with lifestyle changes, that can prevent or reverse areas of concerns.
Neurons (Brain Nerve Cells)
Neurons are nerve cells. They are the workers of the nervous system and if their health becomes compromised, neurological disorders develop. Neurons use electrical charges to communicate or transmit information with other cells via connections called synapses.
They communicate by discharging a small messenger chemical called a neurotransmitter, which is picked up by the receiving neuron. To get from one neuron to the other, the neurotransmitter must travel across a small empty space, called the synaptic cleft. The whole process is called a synapse, which means to ‘clasp together’ neurons. The more connections you have, the healthier is your brain.
Neurons need: Oxygen, Fuel, and Stimulation
1. Oxygen
Adequate blood flow is vital to oxygenate the brain. Exercise is a key component that will move blood and oxygen to the brain. But let's look at another component that keeps your vascular system in tip-top shape.
Nitric oxide is a chemical signaling molecule, involved with communication in the immune, nervous, and vascular systems. It signals cells that line the arterial wall to relax and allow more oxygen into tissues by increasing blood flow.
Nitric Oxide also plays an important role in inflammation vasodilation. It’s considered to be one of the most crucial molecules when it comes to the health of blood vessels. It supports healthy blood flow, blood pressure, and maximizes blood oxygenation.
The amino acid, L-arginine, boosts nitric oxide production in the body.
2. Fuel
A diet of natural whole foods, including eating the color of the rainbow, will provide the right kind of fuel, because it’s a balanced diet of healthy fats (avocados, nuts, seeds, olives), proper glucose, antioxidants, and other nutritional components.
On the flip side, a poor diet is reported to increase inflammation and amyloid plaque buildup. Amyloid plaques are aggregates of misfolded proteins that form in the spaces between nerve cells. These abnormally configured proteins are thought to play a central role in Alzheimer's disease. They disrupt proper cell communication and function. The amyloid plaques first develop in the areas of the brain concerned with memory and other cognitive functions.
Regarding amyloid plaque, there seems to be two schools of thought on the subject. One side believes that plaque doesn't play a major role in cognitive decline, while the other side states that it does. Personally, when you realize what may cause the plaque, it makes more sense to side with caution and practice lifestyle habits that would decrease the possibility of plaque build up in the brain. If plague or any kind of waste is deposited and builds up, it is not going to produce anything good.
A diet of white bread, processed meats, cheese and pasta are linked with increase of plaque, while a lifestyle of regular exercise and a diet low in sugar, alcohol, and processed meats reduce risk of plague buildup. An anti-inflammatory diet obviously supports brain cognition. Note: if you missed the video about dairy, go back to Pillar 2.
If you smoke, break the habit. Smoking damages the blood vessels that bring food and oxygen to your brain, which can result in a faster decline in brain function or more severe memory or thinking problems. And the negative effects of alcohol are more dramatic as you age.
For optimal health of the brain, or any organ in the body, no single essential micro-nutrient can be deficient, and no one nutrient can compensate for the deficiency of another.
In Pillar 4, I introduced the Basic Core of supplementation to consider, which included Daily BioBasics Light. This all-in-one product is loaded with brain friendly nutrition.
One serving of Daily BioBasics Light gives you:
100% of the daily values of essential vitamins and minerals.
27% of the daily value for dietary fiber to support whole body cleansing.
Phytonutrients concentrated from 35 fruits and vegetables.
Phytonutrients concentrated from 17 different herbs.
Special greens, both Spirulina and Chlorella.
Rich antioxidant capacity from a total of 81 herbs, fruits, vegetables, vitamins, minerals and other key nutrients with specific activity to help protect against stress from free radicals.

Powerhouse of nutrition in one product, is cold pressed produced and contains Photozyme, to insure bioavailability (cellular permeability).
3. Stimulation for the Brain
Above I stated that the more connections you have the better your brain function. Proper stimulation can improve, increase, and build new neural pathways. You accomplish this by being a life long learner!
Challenging your brain by creating something, learning a new skill or language, or thinking strategically will spark new neural connections and energize your brain.
Learn something new: take up a new hobby, dance, art, travel, learn to play an instrument, try a new puzzle, learn a new game, or a new language. In training your brain, you flex your mental muscles.
More ways to simulate your brain:
- Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
- Increase physical activity.
- Prayer and meditation.
- Take different routes to your destination.
- Increase social activity.
- Instead of using your dominant hand, try using the other.
Going to work each day keeps the brain engaged, so if you are retired establish something inyour life that gives you a reason and excitement to get up each day for.
Stimulate your brain with regular exercise:
As mentioned above, exercise is one of the best and most effective ways to increase circulation and blood flow.
- Doing moderate exercise increases blood flow to the brain by as much as 15%.
- High-intensity interval training in particular dilates blood vessels, lowers inflammation, and improves blood flow to the brain. This involves reaching your maximum heart rate with a short but vigorous burst of exercise, resting, and repeating.
- But, you don’t need to work out intensely to increase blood flow to your brain. Simply walking for 30 minutes at a brisk pace, three or four times each week, will get more blood and oxygen to your brain.
- Do squats, fold arms over chest, not out in front of you. Squats are linked to better blood flow to the brain.
- Exercise has also been shown to protect against cognitive decline and dementia, promote neurogenesis, help reverse brain damage, and promote the regeneration of myelin (the sheath surrounding nerves).
Boost Brain Mitochondrial Cellular Energy
The well-functioning of our mitochondria is crucial for the healthy functioning of a cell. Because our body has so many energy intensive processes, when a cell’s energy begins to decline many so called age-related health issues begin to surface. Considering the brain is made up of around 100 billion neurons, that gives you an idea of how much energy the brain uses and needs to survive.
In fact, the brain constantly uses around 20% of our metabolic energy, even while we rest our mind. Most of that energy is produced by tiny structures inside cells called mitochondria.
Aging is typified by a progressive decline in mitochondrial activity and stress resilience. The mitochondria are linked to a wide range of processes associated with aging including inflammation, as well as, the more generalized age-dependent decline in tissue and organ function.
A company by the name of More Mito has developed a product called RESTORE, which targets the mitochondria. It not only cleanses the cell, but supports mitochondria DNA, and boosts and increases the mitochondria. The testimonials have been nothing short of amazing for some people, including greater clarity in thought and improved memory. Want to increase your cellular energy, improve or protect cognitive functioning, as well as every organ in the body? I invite you to check out this product. Also, in Pillar 6 we dive more into this subject of mitochondrial cellular energy.
Support Your Hippocampus!
Our brain generates individuality through memory. To store thoughts and experiences instantaneously, while at the same time for a lifetime, and to recall them when needed.
The hippocampus is a major player in this process. The hippocampus is two small, arched organs located in the temporal lobe area of the brain. This area of the brain is involved with learning and memory. Without them we would be incapable of remembering a thought or an episode in our lives for more than a few seconds. Degeneration of the hippocampus leads to poor memory and eventually Alzheimer’s disease.

The hippocampus is where we convert short-term memory into long-term memory. Long term memory is stored in the temporal lobe area, which is why hippocampus degeneration and people with Alzheimer’s disease can remember and give specific details about events that took place years ago, but lose their ability to convert short term memory.
The hippocampus has the ability of producing thousands of new neurons every day, even in adults. We call this hippocampus neurogenesis. This takes place mainly at night during REM sleep. But in order for these new neurons to survive they need new experiences. Challenging and stimulating the brain to make new neuron pathways, is part of this hippocampal network.
The hippocampus is sensitive to inflammation, toxins, and poor blood flow! Let me repeat: YOUR HIPPOCAMPUS IS SENSITIVE TO INFLAMMATION, TOXINS, AND POOR BLOOD FLOW! There’s that word ‘toxins’ again, which includes parasites – are you paying attention?
IN ADDITION, hippocampal neurogenesis is inhibited when live in fear, depression, anxiety, are sleep deprived, or live with chronic stress. Chronic stress is PRO-INFLAMMATORY which highly inhibits neurogenesis.
Where positive stress drives neurogenesis, unhealthy chronic stress is quite destructive. These past few years have caused many to become quite fearful and depressed. It has also caused many to live more isolated lives, just the opposite of a healthy social life which supports neurogenesis. Wearing a mask, becoming faceless, is a detrimental factor as well. In addition, the spike proteins damage the hippocampus, which again, let me point you back to Pillar 2 and detoxification. And just because you were wise and refused the jab, doesn’t make you immune from exposure to spike proteins.
A person must be proactive in the natural but their soul must rise above the chaos of culture and this world, otherwise they greatly increase the risk of cognitive decline in the years ahead. Accepting Christ and developing a faith with absolute trust in Him and His Word allows you to let go of the world and walk in a place of peace and hope.
In the natural there are many things one can do, which is what this entire pillar is about.
According to Michael Nehls, MD, taking 1 mg of lithium orotate not only can shut down neuro inflammation but activates neurogenesis (the process by which new neurons are produced by neural stem cells).
Acetylcholine is the most important neurotransmitter for conversion of short-term memory to long-term memory, which happens in the hippocampus. It is involved in many neurological activities, but its primary role in the central nervous system is to promote actions for cognition and memory.
'Choline' is especially important for brain health because it a precursor to acetylcholine, playing a vital role in preserving memory and preventing dementia, memory loss, and other signs of cognitive decline as one ages. Sunflower lecithin is a great source of choline, in the form of phosphatidylcholine. It comes in powder form, and can easily be added to a smoothie or protein drink.
Other foods naturally high in choline include soybean, wheat germ, cruciferous veggies, almonds, Lima beans, quinoa, kidney beans, whole grains, eggs, salmon, cauliflower, and breast milk.
Brain Nutrition
Hopefully what we have discussed above is enough that will cause you to give more thought to brain care. And if it isn’t OBVIOUS, Pillars 1-4 are all lifestyle recommendations that will greatly support cognitive health.
Your first two steps in repairing or reversing issues of the brain, or as a preventative measure, are PILLAR 1 and 2! You can't skip these, they are that important.
Brain foods are those that are rich in antioxidants, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals, providing the brain with energy and protecting cells, which helps ward off development of cognitive decline and brain diseases.
More recommendations to support blood flow, oxygen delivery, and optimal activity and function:
Lions Mane: an adaptogenic mushroom. It supports memory, focus, alertness, creativity, and mood. It's a great brain cell food, and comes in many types of supplement forms – capsules, powder, liquid.
Berries, Berries, and more Berries: Berries are one of God's best superfoods for mankind. Like dark chocolate, many berries contain flavonoid antioxidants. Antioxidants help by reducing inflammation and oxidative stress. Other antioxidants in berries include anthocyanin, catechin, and quercetin.
Positive effects of berries may include:
- Improved communication between brain cells
- Reduced inflammation throughout the body
- Increased plasticity, which helps brain cells form new connections, boosting learning and memory
- Improved function of arteries
- Reduced or delay age-related neurodegenerative diseases and cognitive decline
- Berries are a good source of fiber, including soluble fiber
- Powerful antioxidants include: anthocyanin, ellagic acid, and resveratrol
Eating a variety of fresh organic berries is not something that most of us do on a daily or even weekly basic. To receive the benefits berries have to offer, I choose to supplement with a Solis Purple Flash®, a blend of concentrated superfood extracts, with special emphasis on the brain and eyes, as well as the cardiovascular, intestinal, and immune systems. It contains 10 superfruits: blueberry, aronia berry, pomegranate, black currant, black elderberry, maqui berry, açai berry, blackberry, baobab, and grape, with additional support from lion’s mane mushroom.
Cacao: Dark chocolate contains cacao. Cacao contains flavonoids, a type of antioxidant. Antioxidants are especially important for brain health, as the brain is highly susceptible to oxidative stress which contributes to age-related cognitive decline and brain diseases. To receive benefits, avoid chocolate that includes 'dairy or has high sugar' content.
Organic raw Nuts and Seeds: Eating more nuts and seeds may be good for the brain, as these foods contain omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants. Nuts and seeds contain the antioxidant vitamin E, which protects cells from oxidative stress caused by free radicals. The nuts and seeds with the highest amounts of vitamin E include almonds and sunflower seeds.
My Favorite Chocolate Recipe: This is the healthiest chocolate bar you will ever eat - its good for anytime in the day!
Avocados: A good source of healthful unsaturated fat, that may support the brain. Eating monounsaturated fats may reduce blood pressure. Reducing high blood pressure, may lower the risk of cognitive decline. Other sources of healthful unsaturated fats include: almonds, cashews, flaxseed, chia seeds, walnuts and Brazil nuts.
Cruciferous Veggies: Broccoli may be good for the brain because it is rich in compounds called glucosinolates. When the body breaks these down, they produce isothiocyanates. Isothiocyanates may reduce oxidative stress and lower the risk of neurodegenerative diseases. Other cruciferous vegetables that contain glucosinolates include: brussels sprouts, bok choy, cabbage, cauliflower, and kale.
As a side note: If you daily consume a green smoothie, be intentional and add brain foods. For example, we have rosemary growing in our yard. I personally add some to our morning smoothie. Studies show that consumption significantly improves memory speed.
Carnosic acid, one of the main ingredients in rosemary, helps protect the brain from neurodegeneration. It protects the brain against chemical free radicals, which are linked to neurodegeneration, Alzheimer’s, strokes and aging in the brain.

Other brain nutrients:
- Acetyl-L-carnitine is sometimes used for Alzheimer disease, improving memory and thinking skills.
- Bacopa, in Ayurvedic medicine, is taken for memory improvement and insomnia.
- Alpha-lipoic acid is reported to be able to pass readily into the brain and reach all parts of a nerve cell, neutralizing the damaging effects of oxidative stress. Lipoic acid may also protect the body against toxic metal contaminants, by chelating these dangerous agents and rendering them inactive so that they can be removed by the body.
- Ginkgo supports blood circulation in the brain.
- Huperzine increases levels of acetylcholine, which supports memory and thinking.
- Phosphatidylserine claims to support memory, regulate mood, and improve symptoms of ADHD.
- NAC (N-acetyl cysteine) is a precursor to glutathione, and supports cognitive functions like memory and learning.
- Choline, the importance of this nutrient was discussed above under the topic of the Hippocampus.
Brain Nutrients, Deficient in a Large Percentage of Population:
- Magnesium is an essential mineral that is required for 80% of the body’s metabolic functions. In the United States, approximately 65% of all adults are magnesium deficient. Magnesium deficiency contributes to many chronic conditions including heart disease and loss of cognitive function.
- Vitamin D is another nutrient commonly deficient, yet all so vital for cognitive function. Get some sunshine!
- B Vitamins noted to lower the odds of developing dementia because they assist memory ability.
- Omega 3 DHA often deficient, while omega 6 is often way too high and highly inflammatory.
- Cognitive function and brain power are dependent on Vitamin K for optimal performance. EAT YOUR GREENS!
- Zinc is vital for enhancing memory and thinking ability
Here are two important supplements, part of the Basic Core:

Omega 3: Omega 3 is what delivers the electrical energy that travels across the brain.
The largest improvements in brain function were seen when higher levels of omega-3 EPA and DHA fatty acids were present in the bloodstream. When analyzed individually, DHA levels were a better predictor for cognitive improvement.

MSM: The primary value of MSM in the body is to provide a a highly bioavailable source of sulfur, a mineral element critical to the normal function and structure of the body.
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) studies show that MSM can cross the blood/brain barrier, meaning that oral supplements of MSM can enter the brain.
Gut health: healthy gut and healthy brain go together. Do your brain a favor and fix your gut. Consider our colon/parasite cleanse, and clean out the waste. Populate with good bacteria.
Beyond nutrition, a person can optimize their brain function by:
- not eating too much or too little
- getting enough sleep
- keeping hydrated
- reducing stress
- prayer and meditation – allow God's Word to saturate you with His truth, peace and love.
- reducing alcohol intake
Hydration/Hydrogen Water: Studies have shown that increasing levels of hydration have beneficial effects on cognitive function by improving mood, energy, and attention, especially in school children and the elderly. Other the other side, dehydration can result in short term memory loss and brain fog. Prolonged dehydration causes brain cells to shrink in size and mass, a condition common in many elderly who have been dehydrated for years. Regarding drinking hydrogen water, studies suggest that its antioxidant properties may help reduce oxidative stress in the brain, potentially improving memory, focus, and overall mental clarity.
Insulin resistant is NOT good for the brain. If this is you, attention to this will greatly benefit you for long term cognitive health. Clean up the diet and get the toxins out because they can mess up the pancreas, as we mentioned in Pillar 2.
Chiropractic cranial alignment - the brain needs to be able to drain itself properly, otherwise it creates pressure in the brain. Having a regular atlas alignment will allow that area to drain properly.
Exercise moves the Lymphatic fluids and provides more oxygen: One of my favorite and daily forms of exercise is Cellercising (rebounding). According to Dave Hall, creator of the Cellerciser – “Rebounding is an aerobic exercise which increases oxygen flow and improves lung capacity. When you’re on a rebounder, and you’re following a workout program, your heart rate will increase, which enables more oxygen to be carried around the body in the red blood cells. The more intensely you exercise, the faster the heart will beat, increasing the volume of oxygen in the body. Using a rebounder has also been found to increase oxygen uptake. Studies carried out on astronauts showed that oxygen uptake was up to 68% higher when rebounding than running.”
Essential Oils - Natural compounds, like essential oils, have been shown to increase circulation and blood flow to the brain. Sandalwood, frankincense, lavender, melissa, cedarwood, orange, and lemon are just a few. One study of rosemary stated, the aroma increased speed and accuracy of tasks. Do a google search to learn more how EO’s can be used topically and aromatically.
Socialize - when you interact with people you can gain new perspectives and have new experiences, which provide more learning experiences. It gives you a chance to share with others, stretching your brain’s ability to organize ideas and relay them.
Hot / Cold - Exposing yourself to cold temperatures can also help you get more blood flowing to your brain. Even putting your hand in ice water for one minute can significantly increase the speed of blood flow to the brain. And for those of you who are brave enough, incorporate cold showers or cold plunges.
On the other end of the spectrum is heat. Regular use of sauna therapy can have a profound benefit on the brain and mental function. Sauna increases the circulation of blood all throughout your body. It gets the blood pumping through your cardiovascular system, your muscles, your skin, your joints, and your brain. It decreases mental decline, and is associated with lower risk of dementia/Alzheimer’s, and improves mood and wellbeing.
Grounding By walking barefoot upon the earth, high strung beta waves in the brain change to calming alpha wave patterns, inflammation is decreased, along with mental stress, mood improves, and even potentially cognition is given a boost. The effects of grounding on the human brain start right away, with measurable changes in brain wave activity in less than one second.
Laughing increases oxygen levels in your body at both the cellular and organ level. When you laugh, you take in vast amounts of oxygen in huge gulps. Higher oxygen levels aren’t the only benefit you’ll feel. You are also feeding your emotional state.
And don't forget about inflammation - decreasing inflammation anywhere in the body will reduce inflammatory responses in the brain. Inflammation produces cytokines which travel through the blood and can create brain inflammation. if you eat inflammatory foods, you create a little more inflammation, one bite at a time!
Reduce Caffeine - Researchers have found that caffeine can reduce brain blood flow by 20 to 30% depending on the study and dosage. If you want to get more blood flowing to and within your brain, avoid or limit caffeine.
NOTE: Taking the amino acid theanine can help reduce the negative brain blood flow effects of caffeine.
Liver function - optimizing liver function, as well as stomach acid, have positive affects on the brain.
Cholesterol - that's right, the brain needs cholesterol. 90% of the area affected by Alzheimer's is made up of cholesterol. Not only are statin drugs not a good idea for optimizing one's health, but they reduce cholesterol needed by the brain. Your liver makes cholesterol for a reason!
Oxygen - let me emphasize this again! A steady flow of blood brings oxygen, glucose and nutrients to the brain, and carries carbon dioxide, lactic acid, and other metabolic waste products away from the brain. When blood flow to the brain is hindered, cognitive problems can arise. Poor circulation is linked to a number of brain and mental illnesses.
Products that Support Blood Flow and Delivery of Oxygen

X-Cell+ is an arginine-based formulation designed to support healthy nitric oxide production, which is what blood vessels use to stay dilated (open) so your blood can flow through them more easily and efficiently.
Sticky blood, where cells clump together reduces blood flow and oxygen delivery. Proanthenols, as seen in the photo, help to un-stick cells for greater blood flow and oxygen delivery.
The Invisible Toxin, Diminished Brain Function
Doesn’t matter how healthy you eat, how well you stay hydrated, exercise, or follow regular detoxifying protocols, you will never be totally healthy and still be at risk for cellular and DNA damage, loss of cognitive function, lack of quality sleep and the list goes on, IF YOU EMF's (electromagnetic frequencies).
The importance of blood flow is vital to brain function - the following image gives you an idea of what your cell phone is doing to your blood, which decreases oxygen delivery to the brain.
Learn what items create the most sub atomic chaos around you, in your home, workplace and yes, even in your cars!
Worst Foods for the Brain
We can discuss all day about all the good foods and lifestyle habits that support a sharp and energetic mind, but just as important is to STOP all the bad habits and QUIT consuming harmful foods that will only cause cognitive decline.
Sugar, are you a sugar addict? Added sugar is put in everything it seems like these days, plus, if you crave and seek it out, then we need to talk. Added sugars reduce cognitive function, memory performance, and put you at a higher risk of cognitive impairment. A diet heavy in sugar increases chronic inflammation. While quitting sugar has many mental health benefits, especially when it comes to the brain's ability to process and retain information.
Doughnuts are both fried, loaded with sugar and contain trans fats. A deadly trio when it comes to brain health.

Margarine and frosting, and many packaged snack foods, are high in trans fats. These aren’t good for your heart and blood vessels, and may also wreak havoc on brain function.
White bread and white rice - research shows that too many refined carbs may increase your risk of Alzheimer's disease, especially in certain people who are genetically predisposed to it.
Bottled dressings, marinades, and syrups have large amounts of high-fructose corn syrup, just as soda, and linked to a variety of health problem: including memory loss and cognitive decline. I suggest making your own salad dressings instead.
Alcohol directly affects the brain's communication pathways. The more you drink, the more difficult it may be to process new information or remember things. PLUS, alcohol is a solvent, meaning it melts. Is this what you want in your brain or any organ of the body, I think NOT!
Soda, sweet tea, and other sugary beverages are a lot more likely to have memory trouble. These often contain fructose which may cause brain shrinkage.
Diet sodas and drinks with artificial sweeteners are deadly. Research finds that people who sip at least one diet soda a day are nearly three times as likely to have a stroke or develop dementia.
French fries and fried foods cause inflammation, which can damage the blood vessels that supply the brain with blood and hurt the brain itself. Remember, dementia begins 20 years before symptoms begin to appear.
If it’s not organic or grown with organic principles than its often GMO, sprayed, and contains glyphosate or other harmful chemicals. When you look around and see how often people eat out and rarely prepare healthy meals at home, it’s just a matter of time before faster aging appears and unwanted symptoms develop. As the Word says, people perish for lack of knowledge, and I might add, for a lack of discipline.

Aluminum, a Risk to Health
We all know that heavy metals and other toxins are not only risky for long term cognitive function, but are often the causes of various health issues we face. YET, we fail to deal with them, opting to run to a doctor for another type of toxin, I mean prescription drug.
To stress the point, I will pick on aluminum. If you haven't checked the labels on your deodorant or baking powder lately, you might want to do so and consider using products that do not include aluminum as an ingredient!
Even the National Library of Medicine/Pub Med listed a study stating leakage of aluminum to food that was baked in aluminum foil carries a health risk. Are you baking potatoes, veggies, fish, and meat in or on aluminum?