Supplementation / Movement / Hydration
Proper nutrition, regular movement, and staying hydrated are all key components contributing to one's cellular, physical, and mental energy.
Micro-nutrients are essential dietary elements required in varying quantities to regulate physiological functions of cells and organs. Vitamins, minerals, and trace elements are of essential importance. A lack of micro-nutrients is often a contributing factor for susceptibility to infection, disease, and aging faster.
Food consumed today actually contains fewer and fewer nutrients, and more non-nutrients (compounds that are not good for you). Even if you eat organic and clean, wise supplementation of nutrients can be quite beneficial because the soil foods are grown in lack in mineral and nutrient value compared to 60-80 years ago. If one eats conventionally grown, processed, fast or restaurant food, you are most DEFINITELY nutrient DEFICIENT.
Another MAJOR CONSIDERATION, is the life in the food one consumes. The life I am speaking of is enzyme activity. If one is eating dead food, food that is cooked and processed, it is void of life (enzymes). Even the best organic plants, fruits and veggies don't have the level of enzyme activity they use to, due to the condition of the soil. I highly recommend enzyme supplementation.
In addition, with all the stress people are under these days, nutrients get depleted from the body. The only way to combat these issues is with 'wise' supplementation.
How does one know what supplements to take? The supplement industry is massive, with a high percentage of poor quality products. It's been proven that many supplements don't even contain all the ingredients they list on the packaging, WHICH IS WHY ONE HAS TO KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT THE COMPANY AND THE PRODUCTS THEY PRODUCE before purchasing. The integrity of the company or owners, the raw materials sourced, whether they are free of pesticides, and how the products are produced, makes all the difference in the world. For example, does the company use cold-extracted methods versus heat?
Bottom line, it pays to know something about what you are purchasing, otherwise you could be throwing money down the drain, or worse, doing harm to your health.
Over the last 38 years, since walking away from the standard America diet and my sugar addiction, I have researched and used many different companies and their products. I look for companies that use quality and organic raw materials, being free of pesticides and heavy metals, to using cold-pressed methods, no fillers, and are not synthetic.
I invite you to view my Favorite Basic Core Supplements:
I want to invite you to join me in my telegram room, David Cooley Elevated Nutrition. In the room you can read and see for yourself, the many life-changing testimonials posted weekly. Come and see the excitement of lives being changed!
This is no-brainer, yet often we need a little push or a big kick in the butt, to be active and adopt a regular routine to move the body. Intentional movement is a life-producing, youthful-sustaining activity, with huge returns.

When you sleep at night the body rejuvenates itself, and as a result, creates waste that needs to be ‘moved’ out of the body. One of the key waste removal components of the body is your lymphatic system. You have more lymphatic fluid than you have blood. You have a heart that pumps and circulates the blood, but the pump that moves the lymphatic fluid is YOU moving your body!
Before breakfast I like to get at least 30 minutes of movement. I do 10 minutes on the Marodyne*, 5-10 minutes of stretching exercises, walk for 10-15 minutes, then rebound for 6-7 minutes. Its a great way to wake the body up, move blood, and support lymphatic drainage. It sure beats sitting on your butt, drinking a morning cup of coffee by a long shot!
Think of exercise as a 'use it or lose it' aspect of life, because that’s exactly what it is!
In order to stay toned up, energized, move blood, increase oxygen levels to the brain and cellular structures, it takes movement.
Daily exercise supports brain function, heart, internal organs, bone density, and the list goes on – YOU MUST MOVE YOUR BODY ON A REGULAR BASIS. We are simply not meant to sit in one place for hours. Sitting for more than 6 hours of your waking day is more predictive of poor health and serious disease. If you sit a lot during the day, don't sit more than 2 hours without getting up and moving around. Take breaks and walk for 10 minutes, 2-3 times per day, it will do wonders for you. Remember, use it or lose it! If you did nothing more than walk a mile five days a week, that’s over 250 miles per year! Take two 20 minute walks, 6 days a week, and that's over 600 miles per year!
* If you are wondering what a Marodyne is,
let me direct you to another page:
Your body depends on water to survive. Staying hydrated is one of the best things you can do for your overall health.
Every cell, tissue, and organ in your body needs water to work properly. Staying hydrated can help support physical performance, prevent headaches, and constipation. It’s used to maintain temperature, remove waste, and lubricate your joints.
Your brain is strongly influenced by your hydration status. Studies show that even mild dehydration can impair many aspects of brain function. Ever had brain fog?
Drinking fresh, filtered water can create satiety and boost your metabolic rate.
A good goal for most people is to drink 6 to 8, 8-ounce glasses of water each day. A formula that’s been around forever: take your body weight, divide it by two and drink that many ounces of water per day. However, different people need different amounts of water to stay hydrated. Its just common sense. If you live in hot climate and you are especially active you may need more.
Eating fruits and veggies also contributes to hydration.
Sodas and coffee are anti-hydration.