IWI Plant Based Omega 3 – Algae

Eating a plant-based diet, I prefer algae sourced omega 3, ones high in DHA. I always figured that fish got their omega 3 from algae, so it just made sense to me, why not get it from its origin. True DHA omega-3 from algae nourishes your brain, eyes, and body.

I invite you to visit the IWI Life website and see all the wonderful omega 3 products they offer.

DHA is one of the three most common omega-3 fats and is essential for many functions throughout the body, including cognition (our ability to think clearly), motor skills (how our bodies move), and vision. If we aren’t eating wild-caught fish several times per week, we most likely need to supplement our diets with DHA.

Many plant foods contain another short-chain fat called ALA, which the body can convert at very small rates into EPA, and then in even smaller amounts into DHA … meaning that it’s easy to come up short of this critical nutrient. Adding iwi softgels into your daily supplement routine is a simple habit I personally do to support my brain and body for a lifetime of good days.

For those who prefer,
fish sourced Omega 3

I personally don't trust most supplement sources out there on the market. And when you are considering a fish source omega 3 you want to know it comes from company that checks for contaminants.

Lifeplus has a couple of excellent omega 3 products, called Omegold:

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