1. Enzymes
You and I are a living person, yet most of us consume a diet high in dead food, with little life in it (enzyme activity). The body craves living food, God designed us that way. One of the best things you can do for your overall health is to add more life to everything you eat, by incorporating active enzymes. This even includes a diet high in raw organic plant based food, smoothies and juicing.
Not just any enzyme product, but the best and highest quality, broad spectrum, highly active enzymes. The kind with no fillers, and are not synthetic. The ones I am speaking about also use whole food co-factors. My wife and I have been using these for years.
Every function in body uses enzymes. As enzyme activity declines in the body, it slows down and health issues increase. Learn more about two powerful enzyme products and how to use them to increase life in your body and food!

2. Daily BioBasics
A very comprehensive multiple-vitamin-mineral product, with phytonutrient concentrates from 35 fruits and vegetables, 17 herbs, numerous antioxidants, plus prebiotics and probiotics, as well as, 27% of the recommended USDA Daily Value (DV) of fiber.
It provides an entire range of other important antioxidants, such as alpha lipoic acid, lutein, lycopene, and glutathione. In addition, it contains five members of the cruciferous family; broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, kale, and cauliflower. And the list goes on and on. Daily BioBasics is an all-in-one convenient, nutrient-rich, highly bioavailable product. To view all the nutrients, click on the Product Fact Sheet link below!
Note: Daily Biobasics is an amazing multi facet product but doesn't taste that great, pretty blah. I usually add it to my morning green smoothie or mix with it another protein powder, and I never know the difference.
3. Proanthenols -
LifePlus Proanthenols® 100 is "Real OPCsTM", (also known as oligomeric proanthocyanidins, a group of bioflavonoids and polyphenols), extracted from grape seeds and pine bark. It provides superior antioxidant protection that is 50 times more powerful than vitamin E and 20 times more powerful than vitamin C. And, Proanthenols helps all other antioxidants (including vitamins C and E) work better!
Real OPCs protect your cells against free radical attack and support the collagen structure of all the organs in your body. It also supports blood flood and oxygen delivery.

4. Omega 3
Omega 3 fatty acids are needed for healthy cell membranes. They are healthy fats that the body requires. They come from food and supplementation. The standard American diet is very high in omega 6, and low in omega 3. The ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 should be 1 to 1 and not more than 3 to 1. Unfortunately, most people are too high in omega 6, sometimes as much as 20 to 1. This creates inflammation in the body.
Omega 3 is essential because the body does not produce it, yet it is extremely important for the health of the body. One example is that omega-3 DHA is a major structural component of the retina of the eye, as well as for optimal brain function.
There are vegan sources and fish omega 3 sources. The important thing is that you are getting proper amounts on a daily basis. Here are two options to choose from:

5. MSM
I would guess most people never consider taking MSM because they don't know what it is, but its definitely on my list. MSM Plus represents a highly bioavailable source of sulfur, a mineral element critical to the normal function and structure of the body. MSM makes cells more permeable, allowing waste out and nutrients is. MSM is needed for the manufacture of many protein rich in sulfur- containing amino acids, including collagen (the primary protein of connective tissue, skin, hair, bones, and teeth), and insulin. Sulfur is also a component of bile acids, and therefore contributes to fat digestion and absorption.

6. Probiotics
Maintaining high intestinal flora through these probiotics stimulates the immune system by increasing T-cells, producing natural antibiotics/anti-fungals, and strengthening the lining of the gut to help block pathogens: toxins, allergens, bloating, gas and yeast overgrowth.
My wife and I have used these probiotics for years. They include a powerful multi-strain probiotic, contributing to a natural, healthy intestinal tract using five synergetic strains of friendly bacteria!
Puradyme’s probiotic was put to test, and came out with a grade above the competition – Liyfbiotic is laboratory-verified, A+++ rating.
Protein Powder: In addition to these basic supplements, I personally also use a variety of organic powders. If you are looking for a quality protein powder, let me share my favorite ones. I usually have 2-3 that I use, either in smoothies, or various recipes:
I want to invite you to join me in my telegram room, David Cooley Elevated Nutrition. In the room you can read and see for yourself, the many life changing testimonials posted weekly from people using the Lifeplus products. Below are a few testimonies that were posted in the telegram room.

If you have any health issues or concerns, we always encourage you to check with your health professional before beginning new protocols, exercise programs, or supplementation.