Low Intensity Vibration / Dr Clinton Rubin
Musculoskeletal Health

If you are in your 40’s, definitely in your 50’s, 60’s or beyond,
pay attention to the statistics!

A person loses about 2-3% of their bone every decade beginning at about the age of 35.
For women following menopause, it can be 2-3% PER YEAR!

Who is Clinton Rubin, PhD
and what is Low Intensity Vibration (LiV)?

Dr. Clinton Rubin, one of the world’s foremost biomedical engineers. He has spent his scientific career trying to understand how mechanical signals in the form of low intensity vibration (LIV) influence the body. One of his key findings has been that extremely low magnitude mechanical signals, delivered in the form of Low-intensity Vibration (LiV), can dictate the regeneration patterns of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) found within the body to stimulate tissues, instead of fat.

He developed what looks similar to a bathroom scale. One simply stands on the device for 10 minutes a day. This non-invasive activity contributes to keeping bones strong and healthy.

How it Works

After stepping onto the device, it calibrates to the weight of the person. The device uses a very precise low-level vibration, of 0.4g. In contrast, when you walk and your heel hits the pavement, you experience 1.2g. So, you can see by comparison the device is very gentle.

As you stand on the device it transmits a high frequency of 30Hz (30 cycles per second), up through the legs, hip, and spine. Dr. Rubin founds that this stimulates osteoblast (bone building) activity while inhibiting osteoclast (bone resorption) activity. At 30Hz, bone stem cells think they are being challenged and respond to the vibrational stimulation to strengthen immune function and build bone rather than turning to fat, as often happens as we age due to lack of stimulation.

After stepping onto the device, it calibrates to the weight of the person. The device uses a very precise low-level vibration, of 0.4g. In contrast, when you walk and your heel hits the pavement, you experience 1.2g. So, you can see by comparison the device is very gentle.

Low-intensity Vibration therapy promotes lean muscle mass and conditioning of muscle reflexes, and supports blood circulation, lymphatic flow, improved balance, postural reflexes, and coordination.

I highly encourage you to TAKE THE TIME and view the following YouTube videos below. You will come away with a vast amount of knowledge and how to improve the quality of your musculoskeletal system as you age.

how to use the exercise device.

For of many testimonials
for the exercise device.

Informative interview,
with Dr. Clinton Rubin


For your information and clarification:
If you are searching the internet for Marodyne, you will find several different websites. A Canadian Marodyne website, a United States, Germany and perhaps others. You will find different information and different pricing - Canada for example is more costly than United
States, though its the exact same device.
The reason for these differences is that Dr Rubin’s device is certified as a Class 2 medical device in many countries, including the Germany, UK, and Canada.
In the US, it’s listed a class 1 ‘exercise’ device.

I have one of these 'exercise' devices available for you to come in and try for yourself.
For those who wish to purchase a device, we offer a $200 discount to our members.

Have questions? Ready to book an appointment?
Contact David Cooley


NOTE - Compression socks: Nylons and moderate 20mm/Hg compression socks should be OK to wear when using a Marodyne LIV. If the person is wearing prescribed 30 to 40 mm/Hg compression garments, they should speak with their health care provider before using the device.

Age Reversing International, or its services, does not diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure disease. We are not doctors or medical professionals. All content shown on this website is for informational and educational purposes only. If you need medical help, please consult with a physician.

We are a private membership research society/association. This website and its information is a resource for our members. Our services, such as the Theraphi, is a research project, which we make available to members only.