The Invisible Killer - EMF's
(Electro-Magnetic Frequencies)

The Invisible Toxin - that Damages Everything from Your Brain throughout Your Entire Body and Cellular Structures

Finally, Products Proven to Normalize the Dangerous EMF Effect on Human Cells!

Electro-Magnetic Frequencies (EMF's) are unnatural, man-made frequencies. And more accurately called “Electromagnetic Radiation” (or EMRs). These smash into, and are absorbed into tissue and cell, causes subatomic chaos, a vibrating or shaking of molecules. These open a door that allows calcium into cell, thus creating free radical and DNA damage. Once EMFs affect these cellular voltage-gated calcium channels there are a cascade of negative domino effects.

Modern technologies are now bombarding us with man-made electromagnetic radiation at huge levels, the likes we've never experienced before. These are toxic to humans.

If you are like me, you've seen, or even purchased, products that are suppose to help protect us from EMF radiation exposure. But do these really do what they say they do, and just how effective are they? I've often wondered about these things until NOW!

Just like eating the standard American diet of processed foods, chemicals, and high sugar content, or the parasites that breed inside you, or all the toxic buildup that goes on day after day inside your body, without notice - the same is true of the cellular damaging effects of EMF exposure. BUT, you can't cheat God's design forever, because sooner of later symptoms begin to develop: energy levels diminish, diseases increase, and you lose your youthfulness and suffer many unnecessary outcomes, all due to lack of knowledge or procrastination of a change in lifestyle.

Unfortunately, no medical doctor is going to tell you that your symptoms are due to electromagnetic radiation. Yet, we are all being greatly effected by it day after day. Get rid of the toxin, and live a healthy lifestyle and the body will begin to correct itself and your will feel better, sleep better, and avoid so many unwanted complications.

Let me introduce to EMF Solutions – a company with life changing products.

You don't want to eliminate the EMF's that run your computer, cell phones, and other smart devices, and you don't want the negative effects that come with being exposed to EMF's 24/7.

The EMF Solution products address the subatomic chaos and NOT the EMF directly. Their products contain natural materials, which create a field to harmonize this chaos. Which GREATLY SUPPORTS the body's ability to function as God designed it to.

EMF Solutions - click on image to be taken to the EMF Solution Website:

How EMF Solution’s Products Work:

Below I cover a few topics and information to hopefully open your eyes to the real problem everyone is facing - the massive world of chaotic frequencies that surround us day and night. The wonderful thing is, a person can for relatively little cost protect themselves and their family.

Cell Phone Radiation / EMF’s Affect Brain Activity and Function

Cell phone radiation disrupts normal bodily functions, making it harder for our cells to communicate. Mobile phone radiation can cause changes in our brainwaves, leading to lack of sleep, memory loss, higher sugar levels in the brain, and increased activity.

Studies have also linked heavy mobile phone use to certain brain tumors and even cancer. Cell phone radiation can cause many different symptoms and biological effects, like: Sleep disturbances, concentration difficulties, headaches, lower melatonin production during sleep cycles, fatigue issues, cause nerve damage, and more.

Watch this short video clip, a live blood analysis shows what happens to blood when using a cell phone unprotected vs protected:

Study Shows: 24 Hours On a Cell Phone = 1,600 Chest X-Rays Of DNA Damage

This study helped cause over 40 countries to pass Federal EMF Laws including things like banning Wi-Fi & Cell Phones from Schools, etc.

KNOW YOUR ENVIRONMENT: regarding these chaotic frequencies that are all around us, understand what you have that intensifies or increases your exposure. Its not just your cell phone, laptop, router or wifi, but also its your solar panels, fans, printers, air purifiers, metal box springs, electrical wiring, and the list goes on and on. The key is to remediate your environment, your home, office, car, and anywhere you go. EMF Solutions uses proven bio-energetic technology, producing products that are unique in that they ACTUALLY ADDRESS the root cause of EMF issues. Their website is full of education, access to videos, testimonials and more.

One of many videos you will find on their website:

Recommended Products to Consider
Find out which best fit your needs – you will find on the EMF Solution website many videos and educational material that explains what you need to know.

EMF Radiation and Autism, plus Valuable Information the Everyone Needs to Understand

EMF Radiation disrupts cellular balance, affecting the calcium channel, and creating DNA damage!

Ceiling fan EMF remediation, and What You NEED to KNOW and do regarding Baby Monitors!

All content shown on this website is not intended for diagnosis, but for informational and educational purposes only.