God's Building Blocks and Fuel for the Body
I am gonna say something that may not be very popular. Many of our health problems are self-induced, and in direct violation God's natural laws. We can't cheat God's design of the body and expect to live in health. What falls under direct violation?
- Dead and toxic food
- Processed and non-foods products loaded with sugar, chemicals, preservatives, glyphosate, and synthetic additives
- Excessive drama and stress in one's life.
- Negative thoughts.
- Many prescription meds, harmful vaccinations.
- Sedentary lifestyles, and list goes on and on.
Eating a diet of refined, processed and nutrient depleted fast foods comes with a heavy price. Diabetes, many cancers, obesity, heart disease, etc. can be traced to compromised cellular energy caused by poor nutrition, toxic burden, poor gut health, and being too acidic. Eating healthy is a key aspect of a prescribed personal health plan.
(And as a reminder, assess the information in these various pillars through the filter of life-producing or death-producing. In this pillar the filter would be: am I consuming foods that are living, unrefined, natural, nutrient-rich versus processed, dead, or with little nutritional value).
A high nutrient diet rich in organic vegetables slows the aging process, reduces inflammation, enables cellular repair, and supports energetic life.
Whole plant foods should comprise the majority of your diet. Look for organic ... and fresher the better!

What is considered a nutrient rich diet?
A diet rich with plant-derived micronutrients, including antioxidants, phytochemicals, amino acids, fatty acids, and enzyme and mineral-rich food. So, what does that look like, read on ...
- Eat a large, colorful, organic salad as the main dish for at least one meal.
- Steamed greens (kale, brussels sprouts, broccoli, Bok choy, spinach, cabbage, zucchini. Cruciferous foods have powerful anti-cancer properties.
PS … don’t over steam your veggies! Steaming them until they are very soft, will cause you to lose many water-soluble nutrients.
- Incorporate a morning smoothie. We call them our morning green drink, and are a great way to add more greens and veggies to your daily diet. Recipes are all over the internet, but here is an example:
Using a Vitamix, here is a sample combination of ingredients: celery, green apple, slice of fresh ginger root, frozen blueberries, strawberries, and half a banana. Pack it with greens: kale, chard, some parsley, etc. Include half of avocado for fat, and some cinnamon powder and blend. Be creative, throw in cucumber, carrot, broccoli, cauliflower, etc.
Boost your nutrients by adding to your smoothie Daily BioBasics and Solis Purple Flash. In Pillar 4 I discuss more on these two products.
The key to smoothies is loads of organic greens, avocado for fat, and low sugar fruit or berries for taste. If you need it a tad sweeter, throw in an organic date.
- Juicing is another great method to add concentrated nutrients ... the more green you can make it the better. You can juice a lemon, fresh ginger, and apple to help with taste.
- Sprouts: if you have access to fresh grown sprouts, they are living food loaded with nutrition. Sprouts are wonderful additions to your daily salad. We sprout lentil and mung beans. Super easy, and ready in 2-3 days. It's something to consider.
- Salad dressings: avoid store bought, as they are often contain undesirable ingredients. Be creative and make your own from fresh, healthy ingredients.
- Beans provide protein and fiber.
- Eating fresh or frozen fruit/berries (blue berries, raspberries, strawberries, etc) provides a variety of super food nutrients to salads, smoothies, or as a snack.
- Eat a couple ounces of organic raw nuts/seeds (walnuts, hemp seeds, chia/flax seeds, sesame seeds, pumpkin, almonds, etc) as part of a meal or as a snack. Organic nuts and seeds are rich in fiber, protein, minerals, lignans, and sterols – all health-promoting nutrients and compounds.
- Eat few, if any, animal products, and limit them to 2-3 small serving per week. I would avoid, red meat, barbecued, processed, or cured meats. Higher amounts of animal protein is linked to higher levels of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), and higher rates of cancer. Diets rich in greens, nuts, seeds, and beans (plant proteins), do not raise IGF-1 to unfavorable levels.

Grains – for some people removing grains has greatly improved their well being. Obviously, removing grains that contain gluten is a good idea, and for some a must. If you consume grains, consume them in small portions, and limit servings to 1-2 per week.
Refined grains should be avoided altogether – white pasta, white rice, bread products, pastries, etc, are not your friends, and will raise and spike blood sugar levels. Many of today’s refined grains are hybridized, which produces higher gluten levels.
Note: advertising is deceptive, the terms multi-grain or whole wheat does NOT mean the product is made with 100% whole grain.
Bread products made with organic sprouted grains are a better option.
Opt for organic quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat, millet, and oats, just to name a few.
“The whiter the bread, the sooner you’re dead!” … anonymous
Oils and Fat
Refined oils are so prevalent in food products and in the way we cook. More often than not, they add calories with little or no nutritional value. They are often rancid, and not good for the health of your cellular structures.
Let me give you an example how bad some of these oils are: Vegetable or seed oils, and refined fats, which include soybean, canola, corn, and cottonseed oils, as well as hydrogenated and partially-hydrogenated oils, undergo extensive heat and chemical processing. This damages the oil and it becomes oxidized, which causes inflammation in all tissues in our bodies.
Not only do most people use these oils in food preparation, but they are also found in high-sugar foods, such as cakes, pastries, fried foods, salad dressings, dips, margarines, coffee creamers, and the list goes on.
Macular degeneration, for example, has become a huge problem. Consumption of these refined vegetable oils and damaged fats is one of the most critical factors in the increasing prevalence of macular degeneration.
To prevent or slow the progression of deteriorating eye health, it would be best to avoid seed or vegetable oils and refined fats - soybean oil, canola oil, corn oil, cottonseed, grapeseed oil, and of course hydrogenated and partially-hydrogenated oils. And note, that many salad dressings include these types of fats and oils.

Its also been reported that among oils tested, the highest uptake of lutein and zeaxanthin (good nutrients for the eyes) was observed with coconut oil while the lowest was linseed oil.
And one final note for the support of healthy eyes, the highest concentration of DHA omega fat in the retina is found in the photoreceptors (rods/cones).
Best way to consume healthy oils and fats are the food themselves – nuts, seeds, avocados, nut butters, olives, etc.
And another tip, try sautéing with water rather than oil.
Drinks / Sweeteners
Let’s be honest, we consume too many calories and often in the form of sugary drinks, baked goods, salty snacks, cookies, fried and fast foods. When it comes to nutritional value, these are often empty calorie food, make us fat, and cause us to age and break down faster.
When it comes to fruit drinks – just say no. These are loaded with sugar, though often they are advertised as health drinks. This includes orange juice, and absolutely say no to all those energy drinks high in sugar and caffeine.
And lastly, avoid products like a plague that contain artificial coloring, flavoring, and sweeteners. Nasty, nasty, and wicked stuff for the health of your cellular structures. Quit giving them to your kids!!!
Coffee: I'm not a fan of coffee. I never learned to like it. As a young child I recall dunking Oreo cookies in my mom's cup of coffee. I also remember it being bitter. Yuck.
The only cup I've ever had was back in high school. It was at a Friday night football game. It was cold, so a bunch of us went to the snack bar to get hot chocolate. They were sold out, and hot coffee was the only option - double yuck, but I drank it.
Knowing what I know now I am sooooo glad I never acquired a taste or addiction to it!
One more comment on coffee, specifically, the caffeine in coffee, and how it affects other aspects of health, including your magnesium levels. Watch Barbara O'Neill explain in this 'short' video:
(Barbara has many wonderful videos, on all kinds of health topics, you can find her on Youtube).
The above recommendations should give you plenty of ideas and areas where you may personally choose to make changes. I hope you found them helpful.
If you have any concerns, consult with your health professional before beginning any dietary, exercise, or supplemental changes to your routine.
You and I are a living person, yet most of us consume a diet high in dead food, with little life in it (enzyme activity). The body craves living food, God designed us that way. And the brain is no exception.
One of the best things you can do for your overall health is to add more life to everything you eat, by incorporating active enzymes. This even includes a diet high in raw organic plant based food, smoothies and juicing. Not just any enzyme product, but the best and highest quality, broad spectrum, highly active enzymes. The kind with no fillers, and are not synthetic. The ones I am speaking about also use whole food co-factors. My wife and I have been using these for years. Every function in the body uses enzymes, including brain function. As enzymes activity declines in the body, it slows down and health issues increase. Learn more about two powerful enzyme products and how to use them to increase life in your body and food!
The subject of enzymes, along with mitochondria function and how these play major roles in one's cellular function, is covered in Pillar 6.
Plant Protein Sources Might Surprise You!
The Most Asked Question for the Past 38 Years - How do you David, Get Your PROTEIN?
Around 38 years ago I walked away from the standard America diet and my addiction to sugar. I walked away from dairy, meat, and all those sugary deserts! I thank You Lord, for re-directing my life!
Being plant-based, the number #1 question asked is, how do you get enough protein? All I'm gonna say is plant based protein is more easily absorbed, it doesn't come with the higher risk of colon cancer as meat does, and most people don't realize all the protein that exists in plant foods. I also take an amino acid product, which gives me 99% utilization.
Plant Protein Education 101 - learn about some of the most powerful protein foods available, plus all the other nutrients that come with them - you don't get these nutrients with ribs, steak, or chicken. Just saying ... the following two videos might just surprise you:
What many meat eaters don't understand is this - a person who eats alot of meat, say beef for example, is only utilizing about 32% of its protein, the rest just ends up as fat or waste. In this video learn what are the highest sources of protein.
Does you protein powder measure up to this one?